Sunday, April 29, 2012

Disaster Strikes!

Each night i usually try to download any of the days pictures and fill in my travel diary. This can be quite hard if the day is long and the body is tired. With the last post showing all of the great shots of the 12 Apostle area i had mentioned that we drove from the coast and headed inland toward Ballarat. This drive took us about 4 hours or so, stopping a few times along the way. That night (at Ballarat) I sat with the laptop and decided to move the images across from my memory cards to the computer. At the time i was using a card reader device that had been sitting in my drawer at home and wasn't used very much. It had been fine up til now. One of the pins inside the device had a bend in it and when i went to place my memory card inside it, it shorted out the card and POW! deleted all of the images from that day. Everything!
    I spent 3 more hours and a good part of the next day trying to see if i could recover them. No good!
I made the decision that the only way to recover them was to go back to the coast and re-shoot the images. I Woke up early the following morning (5am) and off i went, leaving the girls to sleep in and take a day off without me.
Perfect roadkill shot only moments after this fox had been hit. (6.15am)
 I Reached the Apostles at 9.15am and rode my bike along all of the previous tracks to cover the ground more quickly. I re-walked the beach shots and even snuck in some extras that i missed on the first walk.
    Back in the car with some nibllies for the trip and back to Ballarat.

Buggered of course i arrived back to the girls at 12.45pm and we headed for Sovereign hill as planned days before.
I was born in Camperdown Sydney. Thought this was worthy

Plenty of these along the way

The zig zag hillsides are everywhere

Elephant mountain

The grain fields on the way to Ballarat
 A very Tiring day indeed with a visit to Sovereign Hill still to come on top of my 6-7 hours in the car.

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