Saturday, May 5, 2012

Victor Harbour

Victor Harbour

All set up in a BIG 4 caravan park in Victor Harbour. We have met a young couple on a similar trip to ours. they pulled in next to us as we arrived and they have 3 kids similar ages to ours and a dog, all in a 16 foot little Millard Caravan. That will test them I'm sure. They told us about the penguin centre out on Granite island so we thought the kids would like to see it. off we go but this time we are walking to the island and leaving the car behind in the park. The walk is about 1 kilometer to the beginning of the jetty, the jetty is about 500 meters long. It normally has a horse drawn tram that gives you a ride across everyday but they were working on the pier this month and so no go for us on the authentic tram line. This means the kids are going to feel it by days end. After what seems hours of walking we finally arrive at the penguin centre. Not much to speak of, just a cage around some poor orphaned little black and white birds with a young girl feeding them for us to see. We shot some video and photos and headed onward to walk around the island, the girls complaining of sore legs.
   This was all we did this day due to tired limbs from the big walk. We leave tomorrow but before we go away from Victor Harbour we are taking the girls on a steam train ride along the coastline. seeing as though we missed the puffing billy steam train at Frankston earlier in the holiday.

Victor Harbor Beachfront Holiday Park

Even the bins are excellent features throughout Victor Harbour

Thirsty little walkers

All aboard

LocaL park scene

Granite island

Natives to the island

Mia cuddles the penguins

Town fountain


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