Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Murray Bridge & Mannum Swans

Murray Bridge (1 video)

Up early once again and its pancakes for breaky to lighten the mood because we are not at a very attractive site when compared to only a few days ago. We drive off in the morning sunshine which is lovely and warm and soon settle in for the drive. The girls are watching a movie and the roads in SA are fantastic. Victoria has the worst roads we have faced on our trip so far. Bumpety bump and boing boing is very frustrating and the towing is difficult to get right and a cruise speed hard to maintain when like this. the new roads make us feel alot better about travelling and i even used the cruise control for the first time. We travel alongside some freight trains which is entertaining for us all and at talmost the same speed. Murray Bridge soon arrives in our sights and the town is huge with all the businesses that you would expect.
Arrive at Murray Bridge

Mia loves feeding any animal she finds.
The Murray Bridge

The girls on an old steam train

Cheeky monkeys

All Aboard!

The wheels are bigger than Mia

Mum & Lily stop for a shot

Little Red Caboose

My little sweetheart amongst the pink Flowers

 For our lunch break and coffee we head to the river side reserve and the jkids play on the swings while me and heather work out where to stay for the night.

Mannum Swans
Unfortunately there are no free stay camp grounds here so it is decided to go another 24kms to a place called Mannum. This is where the first ever Murray river paddle boats where made and launched. there is no drinking water but what a lovely little river side camp spot. It overlooks the vllage on the other side of the river which is quite nice indeed. Two ferrys run 24 hrs a day at this town and there are 10 other ferrys that cross the Murray at their towns all along this popular Australian river.
   We go for a crossing with the ferry and a look around the town. An ice cream shop is not in town and so its ice cream on a stick for the girls. Some shopping is done and we cross the ferry again to go back to camp.
earlier that day i had thrown my Yabbie trap into the rive just to see what might crawl in and to my surprise a fresh water yabbie was caught. Aha! Bait! there might just be some fissh in the murray wiorth Catching. Me and Lily dug up some worms and sat by the river that afternoon with a line in. We did get a nibble or two which is a good sign that with the right bait i might just be able to snare a yellow Belly or better still the prized murray cod. These things can grow up to 1.8 meters but i am not getting my hopes up with my fish catching record so far.
Me and Lily fishing for Dinner
We also had some cheeky swans visit us and almost walked into the door of the caravan. (see video)
Bold  Swans

Mia gets close

Mannum Swans video
 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

Dinner time and settle in for the night.

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