Saturday, April 14, 2012

Off we go to Merimbula. Packed the van and out by 9.30am this morning. Beautiful sunny morning for our 1 hour drive south.

We stopped of at Tathra beach for a walk in the sand, (how long since you've done a little thing like that?) Mia loved playing in the wet sandy edge to the ocean. She is proving to be quite the little adventurer.
Lily however isn't so brave and stood back away from the water which is typical when you know Lily.
back in the car and 10 minutes later arrived at sapphire valley Caravan park.
 Not the most exciting place but extremely peaceful. Alot of older people are staying here and with the bowling club across the road, it's no wonder. They all wonder up the path for dinner and pokies at the club. And i mean poker machines when i say "pokies" :). We set up in record time and i had to sweep lots of duck poo off the grass in front of our van. It's not smelly at all but it does stick to the shoes easily. Anyway all cleaned up and off for a drive around town. We soon found a bakery for nibbles and ice cream shop for more bubble gum ice cream. Mia's new found flavour. Getting the kids to try different things is a challenge but we are succeeding at it. 
Happy to be on our Great Aussie Adventure

Happy to be eating ice cream

Happy to be having a coffee
Happy to be eating anything!
The girls could buy any item they wanted in the $2 shop. Mia chose a puzzle book whilst Lily went for a strange purchase... A wallet. With that i gave the girls $2 each to save or spend. After 50meter walk further we found the Merimbula Lolly Shop... The girls could spend their money if they wanted and they wanted... Each one of them experienced the choosing of what they could afford and learned that some things are just too expensive to buy. Each made up a little bag of goodies and even paid the lady themselves. A practice we are been incorporating into their every day fun.
  back to the van park and they have a heated swimming pool so we all took a dip for an hour or so. The girls loved it. they zipped on their little neoprene life jackerts jackets and floated around giggling all the way. Could stop Mia wanting to swim around the pool. Lily was like a Koala clinging to its mum...

    We were in no mood for cooking so we went to the bowling club, like an old married couple, and had our dinner there. 
Dinner at Merimbula Bowling Club

Tomorrow we will attempt magic mountain, a fun theme park for the kids. slides and go karts etc... should be fun..

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bermagui Sunset

A move from Moruya To Bermagui today only took 1.5 hours with a small detour through Tilba Tilba. So small in fact that we couldn't stop because of the size of the road we were on through the town so we kept on truckin South. We arrive at Ocean lake Caravan Park. Perfect spot by the water..  We decide to pump up the boat and head to the high seas with Mia & Lily our fish fish biting today but we will hook up soon i'm sure.
... Gorgeous over the water  sunset for us while we cooked our dinner. check the pics
This is only a one night stay before moving down to Merimbula. There we intend a 2 night stop before hitting VICTORIA!
Fish cleaning table. Haven't had to use one yet :(


Pelicans Basking

Is That a fish George? ..Where? over there. Are you shitting me Ted? Guys did you see that movement? Cut it out Ted, your jokes aren't funny. Lighten up fellas, Arr geez, i'm going to hang with the Gulls...

Perfect Aussie Advertisement shot

Sitting in the afternoon sun.

Lookin good babe

Lily's blanky goes everywhere with her

I love you sis


Mum and the girls looking for shells

Panorama- might print this one when we get back

Print for sure

Shower time

Our little camp

Sunset clip

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bodalla, Tuross Heads, Moruya township

 Bodalla Cheese factory
Cheese Cheese Cheese. Today we visited the town of Bodalla. thats right, where they make the cheese at the supermarket. We went to the "cheese factory" and ordered a cheese tasting platter. The girls had a milkshake and we all sat and enjoyed the view from the little loft that was available to us. The girls got a kick out of sitting in the hanging cane chairs. This was a peaceful day with the sun shining and we all relaxed as a family and laughed together.
Bodalla- Me and the girls pose for a shot

Lily On the teat - Mia on the Horn

Girls! "don't touch

assorted milk jugs

Laughing at the cane chairs that spin around and around

the Robbo's at the Milkbar Cafe

Nice old Church
After this visit we headed off to Tuross head for some fishing off the beach and lunch in the sand dunes. One freak wave drenched wayne while standing on the rocks casting his rod... Quite a funny sight....Heather forget to bring her Bikini so went in the bra. I didn't mind at all, but i do  prefer the Bikini. (more pics to come haha)

Stop off at Tuross head 

Playing in the sand in the sun

Daddy trying yet again to catch fish for dinner

easy does it ... and throw

Now girls, this is how you bait the hook!

Little Poser

 The township of Moruya. Me and the girls head into town to give mummy a break and we soon find all the wooden carvings that are everywhere. It's amazing how many swan pictures and carvings are around the area. This place is well known for the swan population nearby.

Rarely that Lily poses for a picture. Where are your shoes missy?

Even the footpaths have swan logos or carvings of some sort

More carvings.
 We leave the town and head back to the van. I will be trying to hook up again tonight on some fish in the nearby lake tonight after everyone goes to sleep.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Wednesday 11th April

A big day today as we visit MOGO Zoo and the little township of Mogo itself. The girls were excited to be visiting the zoo and also to feed the giraffes if possible. We headed north from our Home base in Moruya about 16 kms to the funky main area of Mogo. Lots of little craft shops and antique wares of all sorts. We quickly found the zoo and headed in. Of course a picture with the Giraffe image to check our height and then in we go.

 Nice little zoo with some of Australias tiniest monkeys on view. Alot of these images are from behind glass so excuse the wishy washy look. some also through wire fencing. 

Crazy people

  We missed the feeding by 3 minutes so no go on the feeding of giraffes but the deer got the girls attention when we offered some pellets to them.. Until they stole the bag from Mias hands and ran off with it and the rest of her pellet feed. This is not a huge zoo but very cute and close up to all the animals which is great.

She loved patting the animals

 They at least looked happier than city zoos because they had a good area to run in and weren't too caged up in a box type scenario. Alovely day visit for the family.

Black Tongues
Keeper feeding the white lion

Monkey enclosure surrounded by a moat. No fences

Mia and Lily had their first Pony ride. Mia's face says it all. Lily on the other hand wasn't too confident. Daddy had to go with her for support.

The ponies name was 'Flick'.

Video from Mogo Zoo

if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

Next we head to the town centre for a lookaround and some Ice Cream. Funky little shops and very cheap prices on all the furniture items.. Me and Heather will visit again to stock up when we build our new home next year. ( if we have any money left) :)

 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

Back to the van for dinner and to plan the next few days travel. Although we have decided to stay on another night to go and see the very close Bodalla and Tilba Tilba. We want to taste some cheese from the cheese factory and also have been told that Tilba Tilba is something not to be missed. After Thursday we intend on our southern journey to a new state VICTORIA.