Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Moruya. Away we go!

Left Cooma today. Bid farewell to the chilly nights. On our way to Moruya on the east coast of  N.S.W. This little town is only a short distance from Bateman's Bay. With its beautifully preserved and restored historic buildings and churches, Moruya is a country town surrounded by rich farmland and a mountain range backdrop, with easy access to beaches and National Parks. It's main feature is the magnificent Moruya River the splendour of which can be viewed from the bridge leading into the town centre..Now we are really "on our own". 

 We will go to Mogo zoo to show the girls and possibly then to the ice cream shop with 26 different flavours. I am going to  buy 2 whole ice creams.
   We hit the road about 12.45pm and thanks to Drews welding i have mounted the new bike to the rear of the van. This should help to take some weight off the front end of the van. A quick stop at Nimittabel for a picture with the BIG ELEPHANT!
 As we drove on, the roads became steeper and steeper up into Brown Mountain. This road was closed only days earlier due to landslides. Great! We were held in traffic for about 20minutes waiting for the clean up crew to do some work on the roads. Talk aboout burning brake smell. Every unit is on the brakes all the way down. We felt like we were holding up other drivers because i took it very slow indeed.
   Brown Mountain behind us we stop at Cobargo bakery/pie shop for a coffee and of course a pie. Fuel up and off again.

View of the drive. Near Cobargo

We arrive at Moruya at around 4.20pm and check in... .. cool little location and set up. $50 per night with everything. Oh and the internet is working fine here. The van park is quiet and we are situated overlooking the mountain ranges with a sunset for each day.
Sunset view from our front door

Perfect weather while we are here and we don't bother with the full set up of the annex. we just pop up the sun shade to give us an outdoor area to sit under.
Little coloured cabins

Night time view of the Moruya bridge


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