Monday, April 30, 2012

Big Steps Little Legs

Stawell - The Grampians - ( 1 Video)

Today we leave the great town of Ballarat and head north west to make our way to a doctors appointment for Mia in Adelaide. The goal is to reach Stawell. A country town where my father spent some of his youth and the footpath to the great Grampian Mountain ranges.
Me at Stawell
One stop at a roadside cut off for some lunch and stretch the legs. i made popcorn the old fashioned way to show the girls and for them to eat on the way. We arrive in the afternoon at "Stawell's Grampians gateway caravan park, set up and head straight to one of the terrific waterfalls (Mackenzie Falls)

Swans at Stawell

Girls feeding The swans

Streets Of Stawell

Main Street Stawell

Post Office

Church Detail

Musical chimes come from the town hall Clock

Main Street Shops

Original Shops kept in perfect condition

Original Fire Station

Court House
Mackenzie Falls
Rock face of the Grampians

These ranges are unbelievable to look at. Pure rock and launching straight up into the sky out of a very flat country side. Up the hill we go toward the falls lookout. When we arrive i quickly went in to chat with the information centre to get our bearings. The guy there tells me that the falls is a 1.2 kilometer walk to the base of the falls. Oh No! the poor girls. off we go again. This time it was an extremely steep walk "all the way down". But what an impressive waterfall. We took some great family photos here with the running falls as a backdrop. these will be printed for our home for sure.
   Then we knew we had to do it.. Walk back up again. Lily was our biggest challenge but she took to it very well. I had to shoot some video of them struggling and for a 3 & 4 year old they made Mum & dad very proud. Our little princess Mia was typically a princess all the way. Goofing off and struggling to keep up.

VIDEO - Big Steps Little Legs
 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

Me & Heather at Mackenzie Falls

At The bottom of the Falls

Caught in action

We will all sleep very well tonight as our muscles are screaming. well mine are anyway. Because the roads are flat and somewhat boring we should make some distance tomorrow toward adelaide.

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