Friday, April 27, 2012

The Great Apostle Disaster

A Photographic disaster strikes

Today we left the van at Princetown Reserve and headed up to the well known 12 apostles for some photo time. We stopped first at a roadside set of steps and there was a nice steep set of steps all the way to the bottom beach which you can walk along and see 2 of the apostles first hand up close and personal. So of course it had to be done.
My Workout for the day!

Having a 3 & 4 year old is the only problem on these big walks. you just have to hope they are in a good frame of mind and ready to go. The beach walk was easily 1\2 a kilometer in the sand but you cannot go to see them and not do it. Most tourists go down the steps and go no further, missing the real cool pictures. The cuttlefish bones were entertaining enough for the girls to stick with us and Heather had some fun with them while i could snap some decent shots. Because we knew the day was going to be a long one I decided to carry them both back up the stairs "together" to save some time and energy. This endeavour i felt that night when we were showered and back at rest.
The girls and I
Difficult exposures with the sun on the Apostle and me in the shade

The seabed used to be at the top of these structures.
On to the Apostle kiosk and viewing area to see the best view of all. The kids were hungry and tired so Heather decided to sit at the kiosk and let me go on to see and photograph the rest of the sights. I spent about 45 minutes running up and down the ramps photographing all the angles i could. When i arrived back at the kiosk i told Heather that the view was not to be missed and whether the kids liked it or not she had to witness the view and these amazing structures, off we went again. A sight not to be missed.

The start of a new apostle

Curious onlookers
 Further up the coast a little where many great inlets with crashing waves and so we chose a couple more and walked all the tracks that led to them.

if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

 We then jumped in the car headed back to the Princetown Reserve to pack up and thought we would try to get as close to Ballarat as possible and after about 2 hours or more we stopped for lunch at a place called Lismore. A quick picture at the Lismore Bakery for my Brothers sake (he lives in Lismore NSW).

Because the roads were not steep and winding we made excellent time and thought "bugga it" lets go to Ballarat anyway. We arrived in the afternoon and checked into the best caravan park to date. The Gold fields Big 4 caravan park, heated floors in the bathrooms and heaps for the kids to do. Neat and tidy with a close drive to the town centre. Checked in for 3 days with the main attraction for us being Sovereign Hill. Whew what a day!

Disaster strikes! (read the next post to hear about it)

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