Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Storm in a Port

Today we pack up our mobile home and head closer to the Great Ocean Rd. About and hour and a half drive sees us at a little place called Sale.
Sale Catholic Church - Very Impressive
We pull by the River that runs all the way from Lake wellington in lakes Entrance to have a bite to eat and throw in a fishing line during lunch. A picturesque little park by the water was a lovely break. No fish were caught though.  We head off again to our destination Yarrum and the roads are bumpy as ever. 
  We reach Yarrum by mid afternoon and there is not a caravan park in site. With no Internet connection at all OR phone coverage we stop for a play in the local park which was totally cool with little mushrooms everywhere for the girls to play with and wooden play castles as well.

I walked up to get some info from the "information center" but this is no Information centre. It is just a post office/art gallery with some pamphlets on the local area and not much at that. We feel kinda stranded with no where to stay. So we both made an executive decision to head to the coastal area nearby called Port Albert. We hear the fish and chips here are the best around and if we are going to be stranded it may as well be with a full belly of yummy fish & Chips.
 14 kms further and WOW! what a gorgeous little bay with fishing boats and jetty's everywhere. And Not many people at all.  There are no van parks and so we check our maps to find there is a FREE overnight stay area right next to the waters edge for 6 RV's (recreational vehicles). I had to take some video to show where we are staying.. a look out the door is directly 20 feet away from perfection. I throw out a fishing line and watch it from the lounge in the van.. hahaha what a life...
View from our door. Port Albert
We have to 12 volt power here tonight but we have over 20 channels of TV and full amenities thanks to the hard work of my mate Kevin and the 12 volt system checks that he did for us..

Then comes the storm.
We wondered down the street and the girls rode their bikes to the fish and chip shop.
Anchorage type posts line the footpaths.

We sat by the waters edge and watched a far away storm over the ocean brewing. There were 2 storms that night. One over the ocean and one from the west which was headed our way. We made it just in time to shower and settle. a gust of strong wind and POW!  Check the short video for this intense view from the van door..
hard to believe that this little paradise could change to this. hell of a good fun 30 minutes though. Then it was all over and we settled back to a night of TV and cuddles in the warm van.

 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

View from the jetty to our van

Hire boats available

Night shot of the Boats before the storm came

Lightening Shots just after the storm had past. See it in the distance


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