Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mackenzie Rainforest Walk & Orbost geese

Move to Lakes Entrance

A quick pack up today and make our way out of Mallacoota to steer towards Lakes Entrance. Our trips now are being planned for quicker shorter distances as the girls don't cope well with being in the car any longer than 2 hours at a time. The perfect trip planned with 2 stops on the way. Are we there yet?  Are we there yet? is all we seem to hear and today we hear it within the first 10 kilometers. The movie players are a good investment for these types of days. 'Despicable Me' was their first movie followed by 'The cat in the hat.'
We arrive at Cann river and stop for coffee and to grab a map from the Information centre. 10 minute break is enough because our next stop is only 20mins further at MacKenzie Rainforest Boardwalk.  We prep the girls for a 1 kilometer walk through a very wet but lovely rainforest area. Please see video.

 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

After this we pop back into the car for another drive to 'Orbost'. This should put us about 55kms from Lakes Entrance and definately within reach. As we approach Orbost it looks like a one horse town in the middle of nowhere. Slowly driving down the main street we see 2 geese walking along the road. All traffic is giving way to them but then we find a sign that says Give way to geese.

Check the video Below. Apologies for the creaking sound during any raw video footage but any movement from me will produce these pops and crack noises. I will try my best to eliminate as time goes by

 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

These 2 geese are just walking along together window shopping at the seemingly empty run down shop windows... Amazing to see and quite funny for the girls. 

Orbost road sign

St James church
There is a parking area at the end of town for caravans and that's where we stop for lunch. Lunch today is pancakes for the girls and mummy and daddy are eating the fish we caught from the day before. a good size Tailor from our boating expedition and daddy caught a pretty nice little flathead the night before while the family were sleeping.
 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

After lunch some photos of the girls playing at the park and a couple of mummy at the derelict Butter factory. Nice one Mummy!

all aboard for the final push to Lakes Entrance.

Afternoon arrival.
We are absolutely astounded at the tiny sizes of the caravan parks here... it looks like owners have converted their back yards to make a van park. How they expect us to get in there is pretty tough. Although we found (thank to a local gent that guides us) a great little park that has enough space for us due to its larger size grounds and we book into our first en suite stay. En suite stay parks have a little bathroom at the side of your van for showers etc and toilet. Very handy and a nice change from our squishy little bathroom. Fish and Chips for dinner tonight and we are done... Tomorrow we are expecting rain so we might plan to do some indoor stuff with the girls. Some phone calls must be done as well so Daddy will be kept busy doing that..


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