Monday, April 16, 2012

Arrival at Mallacoota

The eastern most point of Victoria is 1.5 hours away. We stop for a picture at the border crossing ( see below)  and then after we turn off the main road to head into Mallacoota  itself it is about 23kms of extremely winding roads which slows us down considerably, but after a while we make it.
Robertson's hit Victoria

 if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

Mallacoota Fishing Village

 Mallacoota foreshore caravan park is based on the ocean inlet and has van positioned right along the lakes edge. Fishing is the main activity here and there are pelicans everywhere.
Pelican on a pole

 The ocean smell is pretty cool and definately is better than the rotting sheep bodies around the shearing quarters that where at Aunty Beths place at Cooma. After a quick set up we pop up to the local shop ( all 10 of them) to stock up on some supplies for the next 2 days. We sit down to a lovely lamb chop BBQ and settle in. 

This is our first un-powered site stay and Heather is a bit unsure. Vodaphone does not exist all around here so NO phones or internet what so ever. We will survive i'm sure.
Some Area Photos

Feeding the Seagulls

Fake smile Mia!

View south through the trees

5 photo stitch

5 second exposure.. Very late in the evening

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