Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lakes Entrance

Arrival at lakes entrance - My Sexy Wife!

Work catch up today. 
Heather takes the girls to an antique coffee shop for a while while i can call some enquiries and do some office work.
In the afternoon we took the girls for a quick bike ride across the footbridge which is huge and expands across the Lake to the main beach.
Plenty of black swans in this area and they come right up to you for a feed and obviously some photos.
Lakes Entrance foot bridge- Race you to the other side Lily!
Oh No! more children coming...

Ahh! cookie and hot chocolate

A storm was brewing and gave me an awsome backdrop for the girls to have a photo with their bikes before we head back to the van.

A massive electrical storm keeps us indoors for the evening and wets the entire anex floor. Oh well rain had to come at some stage of the holiday..

If it keeps up tomorrow we will take the girls to the indoor swimming aquatic centre for heated pool swimming...
The people who run the van park couldn't be beter hosts and we feel we've known them for years. a chat soon turns into a half hour talk on life.. very nice indeed.

Lessons on the beginnings of life

Stormy backdrop

90 Mile beach

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