Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 1 - Bon Voyage!

Leaving Kel & Pete's

After staying our first night at our good friends Kelly & Peter, we set off for first destination, Canberra.
if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

The family are all packed in and cruizing

Our goal is to reach Canberra with enough time to visit Cockington Green, A collection of miniature towns and settings from around the world. Unfortunately as we approached Canberra it started to rain and so we decided to make the visit in the morning if we could park our huge rig in their car park.
A cold stop to snap the ACT Sign
Chilly Stop for a photo

We pulled into the "Canberra Motor village" and for our first van park we couldn't drive the van in the normal way because the van park was having some upgrading done. Therefor the van had to be reversed into position 'all the way'. Luckily Wayne's history with towing boats and box trailers paid off and the job of parking the van was spot on. The girls were very excited and Poppy & Nanna Mal where there waiting for us.
Mia at the front gate

We decided to have dinner in town and get a good night sleep in preparation for the following day at Cockington Green. (weather permitting).
All in all a good first day to our many months of travelling.


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