Monday, April 2, 2012


Cockington Green

Check out time is 10am and so a quick breakfast and go. packing up was slightly quicker because we are familiarising ourselves quite quickly with all our little tasks that must be done. safety checks and the like. We head off to Cockington Green for our first tourist stop.
In the video you can see the little towns and model buildings throughout this cool little place in Canberra. Each tiny detail is replicated in these unbelievable models. 1/12 the size of the real thing. As we go through to to international area the scale is 1/50 because of the size of these beautiful buildings from around the globe.

if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger

 The girls loved the steam train ride which takes you around the park twice. We had coffee and a quick bite to eat after our walk around.
  Now its time to go a little further to Aunty Beth's home at Nimitabell, Just passed Cooma. (See Map).

 We arrive before 3pm and feel good about not driving for a few days and just coming to grips with having NO FIXED ADDRESS. :)  We take the girls up the paddock where Drew is loading some sheep onto some livestock trucks. Drew & Beth Manage a sheep and cattle farm which we are sure will entertain our girls.
   We decide to set up the caravan with full annex and floor. We want to make this our test run for erecting our new room ad on for the van. We are told we can set up in 15 minutes but this may take some practise. It  took us 1 hour.... But wow it looks good and is very cosy.
  Tomorrow The girls will build a fire with dad and we will go to town for some food supplies. Marshmallows are definately on the list for our campfire fun.

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