Monday, May 14, 2012

Agnes Creek

Agnes Creek - South Australia


We made it to Agnes Creek today. Travelling alongside our good friends from Western Australia. These are quite long journeys without much to see but flat dry roads and land. On the way we spotted a couple of huge wedge tailed eagles and so stopped to capture some footage and some photos for the travel log.

With a wing span possible of over 2 meters these big birds must get pretty hungry so they watch the roadsides for road kill.
 Not a nice photo but very true of the middle of Austraila.

Its time for some wood collecting as we love our campfires by the roadsides. 
Brian & Wayne

 Time for a quick photo and then decide what to have for dinner.

Wayne & Heather
We became very quick at our roadside setups for the nights on the road.  Find some wood and light a fire, then grab a beer or wine and settle in.

me and the kids loved our compfires

These road train truckies were everywhere at the homesteads along the way. Fuelling up and moving on. 

They always seemed to need a coat of paint or something
Our rig was always identifiable due to the kids pink bikes always on the roof racks. people would see us for miles and know it was the Robbos.

 Real estate photographers Sydney

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