Friday, May 11, 2012

Port Augusta

Our Port Augusta stay...(2 Videos)

We only stayed a couple of days in port Augusta. It was more a rest time for us and preparation time to head up the middle of Australia.
While we stayed here we permanently fixed our solar panel to the roof of the van as it was becoming increasingly difficult being placed in our bathroom every day.. this way it can function all day as its supposed to. The batteries are of a super size and can easily last all day without a direct sun positioning.
We went for a boat cruise up the inland water way. Watched dolphins playing and shot some photos through the uppermost part of the inland sea.

Outback River Cruise
if you click the 'you tube' logo the video will play larger
We headed off without the license (as it was left in Victor Harbour) after a quick stop at the outback information center.
Ice creams for the girls
The Old bridge ferry
This old ferry carried parts up and down the waterway for building supplies. After finishing the bridge they realised that is was on the wrong side of the bridge so could not be taken back to the open ocean. they just left it to decay.
The new Shopping village at sunset
The outback centre snake

Drove on to lunchtime stop for some red dirt pictures and a family shot...
arrived at heart lake to see the sunset and get a shot in. Camp fire night with Merrilyn and Brian.
The dirt is getting redder

Mum and the girls get ready for their family shot

Beautiful Outback Australia Colours

Outback salt bush
The Robertson's

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